Publicada Jun 1, 2020 por Media Communication en LRC News | 3
Pastor Payne, Conant Gardens, MI
Once the doctors reset her heart, Pastor Tricia Wynn Payne and her husband Shawn had no idea their battle to save her life was only beginning. What was supposed to be a simple outpatient procedure created medical issues that snowballed out of control and placed Tricia in a series of complicated life or death situations. She went from independent, Leer más…
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Publicada Jun 1, 2020 por Media Communication en LRC News | 3
Pastor Vic. Minneapolis, MN.
As a pastor, I’ve been charged to shepherd God’s people. As a preacher, I’ve been charged to call sin by its right name. As a believer, I’ve been charged to share Jesus Christ with my life and my lips. Yet there are times when it seems that one or all of the above is an impossible ask. As a black man, I am prejudged as a leader of trouble.
As a black husband, I am prejudged as unfaithful to my wife. As a black father, I am prejudged as an unfit role model.
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Publicada Mar 31, 2020 por Media Communication en LRC News | 0
The healthcare profession is one of the most stressful and strenuous fields on earth. Exploring some of the greatest challenges that healthcare workers face, Abigail Greaves, MPH, RRT-NPS provides insight on how to start on a pathway to success.
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Publicada Mar 31, 2020 por Media Communication en LRC News | 1
Is God anti-wealth or pro wealth? Does God promote financial prosperity or have a disdain towards it? Are there occupations that God disapprove because they are lucrative?
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Publicada Mar 30, 2020 por Media Communication en LRC News | 5
The seven last words of Christ from the cross are some of the most profound, prophetic, and powerful utterances found in the Holy Writ. These words, or sayings, are packed with meaning transcendent of the time in which they were uttered, and great referential points of hope that inspire us to forge forward today. no wonder the Apostle Peter in 1 Peter 1:12 states that the sufferings of Jesus Christ is something that even angels desire to look into, so how much more those whom He died to save.
It is our desire that every man, woman, boy and girl would “… spend a thoughtful hour each day in contemplation of the life of Christ. We should take it point by point, and let the imagination grasp each scene, especially the closing ones. As we thus dwell upon His great sacrifice for us, our confidence in Him will be more constant, our love will be quickened, and we shall be more deeply imbued with His spirit. If we would be saved at last, we must learn the lesson of penitence and humiliation at the foot of the cross,” The Desire of Ages, pg. 83.
That is the purpose of this online evangelistic movement. It is meant to garner hope from a seemingly sorrowful situation that lent itself to death’s demise and our ascent. It was from the cross that Christ encapsulates the life of one filled, yet emptied himself for you and I. It is this Gospel that will enlighten and fill us with hope for the present and future. Join our host, Pastor Eric J. Bell of the Benton Harbor Highland Ave SDA Church on April 5 -11 nightly at 7:30PM for a deeper look into the life of Christ and individual challenges that will ‘quicken us’ us to be more like Him.
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Publicada Mar 16, 2020 por Media Communication en LRC News | 0
Meme adapted from Nicholas Miller, JD. Andrews University religious liberty institute
In an unprecedented time of uncertainty that drives varying opinions, let’s be clear that the limiting of mass public gatherings is NOT a religious liberty issue to contain the coronavirus.
There is no credible evidence whatsoever that controlling this pandemic favor one religion or lack of religion over another. Covid-19 is a health and safety issue and does not violate the principle of the separation of church and state. Please debunk these myths immediately and follow the recommendations from the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and local county health department.
Having said that, the coronavirus provides unique, diverse, and innovative opportunities to demonstrate that everyone counts, everyone matters both inside and outside of the church through technology, social media, telephone conversations, etc. Quite frankly, it challenges us in how we can effectively and efficiently do ministry and education without bricks and mortar.
Instead of playing on people’s fears and drawing inspiration from Johnathan Edward’s message, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” we can find comfort that “the Lord is not slack concerning His promises” (II Peter 3:9). We don’t serve or worship God out of fear (II Timothy 1:7). However, we do have to make a choice (Joshua 24:15 and I Kings 18:21).
In choosing to serve Christ, there’s no limit to what the power of the Holy Spirit can do through us in times like these if we remember everyone counts, everyone matters.
Edward Woods III
PARL minister/director
Lake Region Conference
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Publicada Mar 12, 2020 por Media Communication en LRC News | 1
As you no doubt are aware, the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has made life around the world one of angst and uncertainty, if not confusion. Many of you are concerned about the threat the virus poses to your health and well-being, and are anxious to know what impact the pandemic will have on church services and upcoming church events, including the General Conference Session scheduled to convene in Indianapolis this summer.
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Publicada Oct 12, 2019 por Media Communication en LRC News | 4
Elder Dolby Knott
The Illinois Adventist Prison Ministry Organization (IAPMO), also known in the prisons as Prisoners of Hope Project, has been holding the annual Fellowship Awards Dinner for over 25 years. This dinner is given to recognize our brothers and sisters who have contributed to creating a better society. The dinner creates an atmosphere of love, joy, celebration and, appreciation for one another, including returning citizens, church members, politicians, etc.; thus the term, “Fellowship”.
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Publicada Oct 4, 2019 por Media Communication en LRC News | 0
During the month of September, the Shiloh Church hosted its Fall Revival series with the theme “Share Jesus Now!”
Senior Pastor Dr. William Lee shared that in these final hours of earth’s history, the church of God needs to awake from its slumber. “Romans 13:11 says, ‘And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we first believed.'” Leer más…
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